OVO Partner Integration Documentation

Technical Documentation v1.3

Sequence Diagrams

Environment Variable :

  • Staging : https://app.byte-stack.net
  • Production : https://apigw.ovo.id

Signature   API Header

API Headers

All the APIs mentioned are to follow the standard header format mentioned here, unless stated otherwise

Parameter Description Attribute Example
Content-Type String represents indicating the media type of the resource Mandatory application/json, application/pdf
Authorization Represents access_token of a request; string starts with keyword “Bearer ” followed by access_token

Not Applicable for B2B Access Token API
Conditional Bearer eyJraWQiOi...Jzc29zIiwiY
X-CLIENT-KEY Client's client_id. Use this for these APIs below
  1. B2B Access Token
Client’s client_id (given at completion registration process)
Conditional testdynamicqris
X-PARTNER-ID Client's client_id. Use this for these APIs below
  1. Generate QR
  2. Refund
  3. Inquiry Status
  4. Callback
Need to change to QRIS MPM API
Unique ID for a partner
X-TIMESTAMP Client's current local time in yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssTZD format Mandatory
Client's current local time in yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssTZD format
X-SIGNATURE Use Asymmetric
B2B Token request

Use Symmetric
Generate QR


Inquiry Status

Mandatory Please check Signature Section
X-EXTERNAL-ID Unique ID to avoid duplication. ID reset for every 24 hours. String (36) Mandatory
CHANNEL-ID PJP’s channel id
Device identification on which the API services is currently being accessed by the end user (customer)

Signature Asymetric

Signature asymmetric is used by OVO to verify that your access token request is not altered by attackers. Generate Signature Asymmetric for Header of Access Token B2B
SHA256withRSA is used to generate the signature with your Private Key as the key.

How to use:
- Configure the client ID via request headers with key as x-client-key.
- Configure the private key via environment variable with key as {clientID}_private_key.
- Script will generate / replace environment variables listed in the Output section.

Output (Environment variables):
- gen_signature -> add to X-Signature headers
- gen_timestamp -> add to X-Timestamp headers

eval( pm.environment.get('pmlib_code') )

var moment = require('moment')

const clientID = pm.environment.get("clientID")
var privateKey = pm.environment.get("_private_key")
const timestamp = moment().format("YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ")

console.log("clientID: " + clientID)
console.log("privateKey: " + privateKey)
console.log("timestamp: " + timestamp)

const msg = `${clientID}|${timestamp}`

console.log("msg: " + msg)

var CryptoJS = require("crypto-js")
const hashedMsg = CryptoJS.SHA256(msg)
console.log("hashedMsg: " + hashedMsg)

var sig = new pmlib.rs.KJUR.crypto.Signature({"alg": "SHA256withRSA"})
privateKey = pmlib.rs.KEYUTIL.getKey(privateKey)
const hash = sig.signString(msg)

console.log("hash: " + hash)

pm.environment.set("gen_timestamp", timestamp)
pm.environment.set("gen_signature", hash)

Signature Symmetric

Signature is used to verify that your open API service request is not altered by attackers.

Generate Signature Symmetric

SHA-512 HMAC is used to generate the signature with your Client Secret as the key.

How to use:
- Configure the client ID via request headers with key as x-partner-id.
- Configure the access token via request headers with key as Authorization and format of value as Bearer {access_token}.
- Configure the secret key via environment variable with key as {clientID}_secret_key.
- Script will generate / replace environment variables listed in the Output section.

Output (Environment variables):
- gen_signature -> add to X-Signature headers
- gen_timestamp -> add to X-Timestamp headers

eval( pm.globals.get('pmlib_code') )

var moment = require('moment')
var CryptoJS = require("crypto-js")

const clientID = pm.environment.get('clientID');
const accessToken = pm.environment.get("access_token");
const timestamp = moment().format("YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ")
const body = pm.request.body.raw
const fullPath = pm.request.url.getPathWithQuery()
const method = pm.request.method

var secret_key = pm.environment.get("_secret_key")

console.log("clientID: " + clientID)
console.log("accessToken: " + accessToken)
console.log("timestamp: " + timestamp)
console.log("body: " + body)
console.log("fullPath: " + fullPath)
console.log("method: " + method)
console.log("secret_key: " + secret_key)

const hashedBody = CryptoJS.SHA256(body).toString()
const finalBody = hashedBody.toLowerCase()

console.log("hashedBody: " + hashedBody)
console.log("finalBody: " + finalBody)

const msg = `${method}:${fullPath}:${accessToken}:${finalBody}:${timestamp}`

console.log("msg: " + msg)

const hash = CryptoJS.HmacSHA512(msg, secret_key).toString()

console.log("hash: " + hash)

pm.environment.set("gen_timestamp", timestamp)
pm.environment.set("gen_signature", hash)
pm.environment.set("api", "/OVOSNAP/v1.0/debit/payment-host-to-host")

How to Generate PKCS1 Private Key and Public Key

Generate Private Key:
For Openssl version 1.x.x
openssl genrsa -out private.pem 4096

For Openssl version 3.x.x and above
openssl genrsa -traditional -out private.pem 4096
Generate PKCS1 Public Key:
openssl rsa -in private.pem -RSAPublicKey_out -out public.pem

Generate B2B Token

This API will be used by Merchants to trigger the transactional API. Before generating the token, partners are requested to address this as a requirement, so OVO can configure the necessary.

As per Bank Indonesia requirements, the token expiry for B2B token must be 15 minutes.



Service Code


Request Body

Name Mandatory Type Length Description
grantType M String "client_credentials”: The client can request an access token using only its client credentials (or other supported means of authentication) when the client is requesting access to the protected resources under its control

Request Sample

    "grantType": "client_credentials"

Response Body

Name Type Description
responseCode String Response code
responseMessage String Response description
accessToken String A string representing an authorization issued to the client that used to access protected resources
tokenType String The access token type provides the client with the information required to successfully utilize the access token to make a protected resource request (along with type-specific attributes).

Token Type Value:
  • "Bearers”: includes the access token string in the request

  • "Mac": issuing a Message Authentication Code (MAC) key together with the access token that is used to sign certain components of the HTTP requests
expiresIn String Time in seconds
additionalInfo Object Same as in request

Response Sample

    "responseCode": "2007300",
    "responseMessage": "Successful",
    "tokenType": "Bearer",
    "expiresIn": "900",
    "expireIn": "2023-05-15T09:12:24Z",
    "additionalInfo": {}
Notes : version : v2.0

Refresh System token Logic

There are two ways in which a partner can refresh the expired tokens

  1. Proactive approach: Partner proactively generates a new B2B token every 15 min, just when the old token is about to expire. This requires partner to be aware of the expiry beforehand
  2. Reactive approach: Partner reacts to the responseCode returned by OVO. If a responseCode corresponding to expiredToken is received while using the B2B token, the partner regenerates the tokens using the above API.
  3. Refer to Refresh Access Token Logic for more information on how to regenerate token using reactive approach
  4. Merchants should refrain from generating multiple B2B tokens before the expiry. A single token should be created and reused throughout the expiry

Response Code

Response Code : HTTP status code + service code + case code

HTTP Status Service Code Case Code Response Message Description
200 Any 00 Success Success
400 Any 00 Bad Request General request failed error, including message parsing failed.
400 Any 01 Invalid Field Format Invalid format
400 Any 02 Invalid Mandatory Field Missing or invalid format on mandatory field
401 Any 01 Invalid Token (B2B) Token found in request is invalid (Access Token Not Exist, Access Token Expiry)

QR Generation

Call Flow: H2H client to OVO backend

Path : Generate QRIS API


Environment Variable

  • Staging : https://app.byte-stack.net
  • Production : https://apigw.ovo.id

Service Code


Request Body

Name Mandatory Type Length Description
terminalId M String 16 Terminal Identification
merchantId M String 64 Merchant identifier that is unique per each merchant
amount M Object
value M String 16,2 Net amount of the transaction e.g. 10000.00
currency M String (ISO4217) 3 Currency
feeAmount O Object
value O String 16,2 Transaction fee
currency O String (ISO4217) 3 Currency
partnerReferenceNo M String 64 Transaction identifier on service consumer system (traceNo)

We can generate it based on UUID
subMerchantId O String 32 Sub merchant ID
storeId O String 64 Unique shop/store id in merchant side
additionalInfo M Object Additional information
deviceId M String 64 Customer Device ID

Can be Hardcoded/Static String
channel M String 64 Channel ID

String = “OVO”
transactionDate M String 6 YYMMDD format
allowedSources M String *format is defined below

*allowedSources : format will be an bitmap, ie, each position in a bitmap will represent one

SOF and if the value is 1, it means that particular SOF is allowed, and if it's 0, it means that

1) terminalID is usually called TID. This is in terminal level
2) merchantID is usually called MID.This is in merchant level

particular SOF is not allowed for making the payment

Example: Bitmap positions are Cash, Points, Paylater
  1. 100 : Here the 1st position is for cash and which is set to 1, ie for this QR only cash can be used for making the payment
  2. 110 : Here the 1st position is for cash and 2nd for points and both are set to 1, ie for this QR both cash and points can be used for payment

Request Sample

    "terminalId": "13000004",
    "merchantId": "DBCFJKTLPKN0001",
    "amount": {
        "value": "10000.00",
        "currency": "IDR"
    "feeAmount": {
        "value": "0.00",
        "currency": "IDR"
    "partnerReferenceNo": "234567890123",
    "subMerchantId": "",
    "storeId": "abcd",
    "additionalInfo": {
        "deviceId": "12345679237",
        "channel": "ovo",
        "transactionDate": "191225",
        "allowedSources": "100"

Response Body

Name Type Description
responseCode String Response code = HTTP status code + service code + case code
responseMessage String Response description
referenceNo String Transaction identifier on service provider system.
Must be filled upon successful transaction
partnerReferenceNo String Transaction identifier on service consumer system
qrContent String QR String MPM.
If qrContent is null, then qrUrl or qrImage must be filled.
merchantName String Merchant Name
storeId String Unique shop id on the merchant side.
terminalId String Terminal Identification
additionalInfo Object Same as in request
deviceId String Same as in request
channel String Same as in request
transactionDate String Same as in request
batchNo String Batch Number
expiry Integer In seconds - QR Expiry window

Response Sample

    "responseCode": "2004700",
    "responseMessage": "Successful",
    "referenceNo": "H2H3c17c56de31847249edfcca0918d",
    "partnerReferenceNo": "TRX-ASK3XCA",
    "qrContent": "00020101021226580006id.ovo01189360091200000035470215lXglBoWv1FKdldj0303UMI51440015ID.OR.GPNQR.WWW0214ID2021075018580303UMI520415205303360540410005802ID5918Dretail Store Satu6008Meulaboh610523350623105074IIwC6G07167sWt1OwfUMzWb7SF6304D8F5",
    "merchantName": "DretailStore001",
    "storeId": "abcd",
    "terminalId": "11762601",
    "additionalInfo": {
        "deviceId": "12345679237",
        "channel": "ovo",
        "transactionDate": "230504",
        "batchNo": "cF9M96",
        "expiry": 75
    "responseCode": "4044708",
    "responseMessage": "Invalid Merchant"

Response Code

Response Code : HTTP status code + QR Generation service code + case code
HTTP Status Service Code Case Code Response Message Description
200 47 00 Success Success
400 47 00 Bad Request General request failed error, including message parsing failed.
400 47 01 Invalid Field Format Invalid format
400 47 02 Invalid Mandatory Field Missing or invalid format on mandatory field
404 47 08 Invalid Merchant Merchant is invalid (blocked/not registered/not active)
404 47 18 Invalid QRIS Merchant Not PTEN Registered
409 47 00 Duplicate {} Usually like `Duplicate x-external-id` or `partnerReferenceNo`
429 47 00 Too Many Request Pending Transaction Limit Reached. Try it after some time. Need to settle the pending transaction first before generating the new QR.
500 47 00 General Error Internal errors happen on OVO service that don't relate to the connectivity.
500 47 01 Internal Server Error Internal errors happen on OVO service while trying to get the response from internal dependency.
500 47 04 Timeout Request Timeout

Transaction Inquiry / Check Status

Path : Generate QRIS API


Environment Variable

  • Staging : https://app.byte-stack.net
  • Production : https://apigw.ovo.id

Service Code


Request Body

Name Mandatory Type Length Description
originalReferenceNo M String 64 Original transaction identifier on service provider system
originalPartnerReferenceNo M String 64 Original transaction identifier on service consumer system
serviceCode M String 2 Transaction type indicator (service code of the original transaction request)

Service Code 47
merchantId M String 64 Merchant identifier that is unique per each merchant
subMerchantId O String 32 Sub merchant ID
externalStoreID O String 64 External Store ID
additionalInfo M Object Additional information
deviceId M String Customer Device ID

Can be Hardcoded/Static String
channel M String Channel ID

String = "OVO"
terminalId M String 16 Terminal Identification

Request Sample

    "originalReferenceNo": "H2H3c17c56de31847249edfcca0918d",
    "originalPartnerReferenceNo": "TRX-ASK3XCA",
    "serviceCode": "47",
    "merchantId": "DretailStore001",
    "additionalInfo": {
        "deviceId": "12345679237",
        "channel": "OVO",
        "terminalId": "13000004"

Response Body

Name Type Description
responseCode String Response code
responseMessage String Response description
originalReferenceNo String Original transaction identifier on service provider system. Must be filled upon successful transaction
originalPartnerReferenceNo String Original transaction identifier on service consumer system
serviceCode String Transaction type indicator (service code of the original transaction request)

Service Code 47
latestTransactionStatus String 00 - Payment Success
01 - Refund Pending
03 - Payment Pending
04 - Refund Success
06 - Transaction Failed
transactionStatusDesc String Description status transaction
paidTime String Transaction date - ISO-8601 Format
Format: yyyyMMddHHmmss
terminalId String Terminal Identification
amount Object
value String Net amount of the transaction.
If it's IDR then the value includes 2 decimal digits.
e.g. IDR 10000,- will be placed with 10000.00
currency String Currency
feeAmount Object
value String Net amount of the transaction.
If it's IDR then the value includes 2 decimal digits.
e.g. IDR 10000,- will be placed
currency String Currency
additionalInfo Object
deviceId String Same as in request
channel String Same as in request
gracePeriod Integer In Seconds - ‘x’ - next inquiry call for this transaction should be triggered to OVO backend, after ‘x’ seconds.
batchNo String Batch Number from the first QR Generation
merchantId String Same as in request
userName String Masked user’s full name
merchantPan String mpan for the merchant
customerPan String cpan for the customer
phoneNumber String Masked Phone Number Ex: \*\*\*\* \*\*\*\* 2001
issuerName String Issuer Name ex. OVO, GOPAY, etc.
transactionId String Transaction ID is from BE, to be used for refund (Should be unique for each transaction). EDC has to store this transactionId and map it with the transactions.
points String if user pays with OVO points
cash String if user pays with OVO cash
payLater String if user pays with OVO paylater

Repsonse Sample

    "responseCode": "2005100",
    "responseMessage": "Successful",
    "originalReferenceNo": "H2H3c17c56de31847249edfcca0918d",
    "originalPartnerReferenceNo": "TRX-SK3XCA",
    "serviceCode": "47",
    "latestTransactionStatus": "00",
    "transactionStatusDesc": "Payment Success",
    "paidTime": "2023-05-09T18:02:27",
    "terminalId": "213141251124",
    "amount": {
        "value": "10000.00",
        "currency": "IDR"
    "feeAmount": null,
    "additionalInfo": {
        "deviceId": "0001100009537395",
        "channel": "ovo",
        "gracePeriod": 5,
        "batchNo": "cF9UXY",
        "merchantId": "DretailStore001",
        "userName": "H**** L*******",
        "merchantPan": "9630570000051061610",
        "customerPan": "",
        "phoneNumber": "********2580",
        "issuerName": "OVO",
        "transactionId": "7178",
        "transactionSummary": {
            "points": "0",
            "cash": "20000",
            "payLater": "0"

Response Code

Response Code : HTTP status code + Transaction Inquiry service code + case code

HTTP Status Service Code Case Code Response Message Description
200 51 00 Success Success
400 51 00 Bad Request General request failed error, including message parsing failed.
400 51 01 Invalid Field Format Invalid format
400 51 02 Invalid Mandatory Field Missing or invalid format on mandatory field
404 51 01 Transaction Not Found Transaction Not Found
404 51 08 Invalid Merchant Merchant is invalid (blocked/not registered/not active)
404 51 17 Invalid Terminal Terminal is invalid (blocked/not registered/not active)
409 51 00 Duplicate {} Usually like `Duplicate x-external-id` or `partnerReferenceNo`
500 51 00 General Error Internal errors happen on OVO service that don't relate to the connectivity.
500 51 01 Internal Server Error Internal errors happen on OVO service while trying to get the response from internal dependency.
500 51 04 Timeout Request Timeout

Callback/Notify Payment Status


  1. Callback/Notify Payment Status API is used so that OVO can notify clients of the latest payment status in real time. However, when the client does not have the resources/bandwidth to build this API, the H2H Client may NOT implement this API as long as the client himself calls OVO via the Transaction Inquiry/Check Status API to get the latest payment status.
  2. OVO implements a retry mechanism every 5 seconds 3 times if there is no response from the client (timeout). If after 3 attempts STILL haven't gotten a response from the client. So the client is expected to call OVO via Transaction Inquiry/Check Status API to get the latest payment status.

Service Code


Request Body

Name Mandatory Type Length Description
originalReferenceNo M String 64 Transaction identifier on service provider system
originalPartnerReferenceNo O String 64 Transaction identifier on service consumer system
latestTransactionStatus M String 2 00 - Payment Success
06 - Transaction Failed
transactionStatusDec O String 50 Description Status Transaction
customerNumber M String 64 Customer Account Number
destinationNumber O String 25 Destination account number
destinationAccountName O String 25 Destination account name
amount M Object
value M String 16,2 Net amount of the transaction eg. IDR 10000.00
currency M String 3 Currency
Example: IDR
externalStoreId O String 64 External Store ID
additionalInfo M
deviceId M String 64
channel M String 64
gracePeriod M Integer 16 In Seconds - ‘x’ - next inquiry call for this transaction should be triggered to the OVO backend, after ‘x’ seconds.
terminalId M Integer 8 Terminal ID
userName M String 32 Masked ovo user’s full name
merchantPan M String 32 Merchant Pan for the merchant
customerPan O String 32 Customer Pan for the customer
issuerName O String 15 Issuer Name ex. OVO, GOPAY, etc.
transactionId M String 32 Transaction ID is from BE, to be used for refund (Should be unique for each transaction). H2H/POS have to store this transactionId and map it with the transactions.

Request Sample

    "originalReferenceNo": "H2H784c1b556971470788fe1d80c6de",
    "originalPartnerReferenceNo": "TRX-ASacaSA",
    "latestTransactionStatus": "00",
    "transactionStatusDesc": "Payment Success",
    "customerNumber": "********0001",
    "destinationNumber": "",
    "destinationAccountName": "",
    "amount": {
        "value": "10000.00",
        "currency": "IDR"
    "externalStoreId": "",
    "additionalInfo": {
        "deviceId": "12345679237",
        "channel": "ovo",
        "gracePeriod": 5,
        "terminalId": "11762601",
        "userName": "H**** L*******",
        "merchantPan": "936009120000003547",
        "customerPan": "",
        "issuerName": "OVO",
        "transactionId": "7136"

Response Body

Name Type Description
responseCode String Response code
responseMessage String Response description
additionalInfo Object
deviceId String Same as in request
channel String Same as in request

Response Sample

    "responseCode": "2005200",
    "responseMessage": "Request has been processed successfully",
    "additionalInfo": {
        "deviceId": "12345679237",
        "channel": "mobilephone"


Path : Generate QRIS API


Environment Variable

  • Staging : https://app.byte-stack.net
  • Production : https://apigw.ovo.id

Service Code


Request Body

Name Mandatory Type Length Description
originalReferenceNo O String 64 Original transaction identifier on service provider system
originalPartnerReferenceNo M String 64 Original transaction identifier on service consumer system
merchantId M String 64 Merchant identifier that is unique per each merchant
subMerchantId O String 32 Sub Merchant ID
externalStoreId O String 64 External Store ID
partnerRefundNo M String 64 ReferenceNumber from PJP AIS for the refund.
refundAmount M Object
value M String 16,2 Net amount of the refund
currency M String 3 Currency
reason O String 256 Refund reason
additionalInfo M Object
deviceId M String 64 Customer Device ID

Can be Hardcoded/Static String
channel M String 64 Customer Channel

String = “OVO”
terminalId M String 16 Terminal Identification
batchNo M String 64 Batch Number from the first QR Generation

Getting the value from Generate QR or Transaction Inquiry
transactionId M String 32 Transaction ID is from BE, to be used for refund (Should be unique for each transaction). H2H/POS have to store this transactionId and map it with the transactions.

Request Sample

    "originalPartnerReferenceNo": "H2H784c1b556971470788fe1d80c6de",
    "originalReferenceNo": "TRX-ASacaSA",
    "merchantId": "DretailStore001",
    "partnerRefundNo": "REFUND-TRX-SK3XCA",
    "subMerchantId": "310928924949487",
    "externalStoreId": "124928924949487",
    "refundAmount": {
        "value": "1000.00",
        "currency": "IDR"
    "reason": "Customer complain",
    "additionalInfo": {
        "deviceId": "12345679237",
        "channel": "mobilephone",
        "terminalId": "11762601",
        "batchNo": "cF9UXY",
        "transactionId": "7178"

Response Body

Name Type Description
responseCode String Response code
responseMessage String Response description
originalPartnerReferenceNo String Original transaction identifier on service provider system. Must be filled upon successful transaction
originalReferenceNo String Original transaction identifier on service consumer system
referenceNo String referenceNumber
partnerRefundNo String Same as in request
refundAmount Object
value String Same as in request
currency String Same as in request
refundTime String Refund time. ISO 8601
additionalInfo Object
deviceId String Same as in request
channel String Same as in request
terminalId String Terminal Identification
merchantId String Same as in request
merchantName String Same as in request
phoneNumber String Masked Phone Number
Ex: **** **** 2001
merchantPan String mpan for the merchant
customerPan String cpan for the customer
userName String Masked user’s full name
issuerName String Issuer Name ex. OVO, GOPAY, etc.

Response Sample

    "responseCode": "2007800",
    "responseMessage": "Request has been processed successfully",
    "originalPartnerReferenceNo": "2020102900000000000001",
    "originalReferenceNo": "2020102977770000000009",
    "referenceNo": "",
    "partnerRefundNo": "239850918204981205970",
    "refundAmount": {
        "value": "10000.00",
        "currency": "IDR"
    "refundTime": "2023-05-09T18:02:27",
    "additionalInfo": {
        "deviceId": "12345679237",
        "channel": "mobilephone",
        "terminalId": "13000004",
        "merchantId": "DBCFJKTLPKN0001",
        "merchantName": "Delicio LK",
        "phoneNumber": "89********",
        "merchantPan": "9630570000051061610",
        "customerPan": "9360091800051061610",
        "userName": "te********",
        "issuerName": "OVO"

Response Code

Response Code : HTTP status code + Refund service code + case code

HTTP Status Service Code Case Code Response Message Description
200 78 00 Success Success
202 78 00 Request in Progress Refund pending and is still being processed
400 78 00 Bad Request General request failed error, including message parsing failed.
400 78 01 Invalid Field Format Invalid format
400 78 02 Invalid Mandatory Field Missing or invalid format on mandatory field
403 78 03 Suspected Fraud Suspected fraud from OVO Internal Risk checking
403 78 24 Refund Expired Refunds will be allowed on the same day.
404 78 01 Transaction Not Found Transaction Not Found
404 78 08 Invalid Merchant Merchant is invalid (blocked/not registered/not active)
404 78 13 Invalid Amount Amount that wants to be refunded is not the same as the success payment
404 78 17 Invalid Terminal Terminal is invalid (blocked/not registered/not active)
409 78 00 Duplicate {} Usually like `Duplicate x-external-id` or `partnerReferenceNo`
500 78 00 General Error Internal errors happen on OVO service that don't relate to the connectivity.
500 78 01 Internal Server Error Internal errors happen on OVO service while trying to get the response from internal dependency.
500 78 04 Timeout Request Timeout